1. a remedy designed to permit the pc to be further audited after he has gone exterior. The Ext Rundown is not meant to be sold or passed off as a method of exteriorizing a pc. (HCOB 2 Dec 70, C/S Series No. 23, Exteriorization Summary) Abbr. Ext RD or Int RD.

    [NOTE: the above HCOB has since been revised to HCOB 17 Dec 71R, C/S Series 23RA, Interiorization Summary. All references to Exteriorization Rundown in the former HCOB have been changed to Interiorization Rundown in the latter HCOB. This is also known as Interiorization Rundown, Int Rundown, Int-Ext Rundown, Ext-Int Rundown.]

Technical Dictionary